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Choose quickly the MCQs headers

Using dropdown menus, you can choose quickly the course, topic, level of student and learning objectives of your MCQs. This categories can be customized according your school.

A blueprint will be automatically created.

Improve the quality of your MCQs with automatic feedback

Having a complete Stem, with a clinical case and a lead-in questions avoiding unprecise words or negative forms can be tricky.
Using the software, you are informed if your MCQ seems to be flawed or with cues, if the lenght of your MCQ seems appropriate.

Gain time by using some tools and suggested lead-in questions

Writing a Biological report or Vitals of a patient with all Units can be time consuming. Using textboxes, you can write them in your Stem quickly. You can have immediate calculation of Anion Gaps, BMI, check the interpretation of Blood Gazes, display Bacteriological results...

With Drop down menus, you can read some suggested Lead in questions to help you gain time.

Refresh your memory on Quality criterias of assesment tools

You want to read what action verbs are recommended when writing learning objectives? You want some explanations are the flaws and cues of a MCQ? Everything you need is here.

Send for Peer-review with a Checklist

The computer feedback can't replace humans one (yet...).

So before submitting your MCQs, you send them to have a feedback from a colleague: you will receive a review of your work based on a checklist with comments.

Export your MCQS to Word or Moodle

When you're done, you can either export them in Word format, or in XML files to import into Moodle.

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